Friday, September 26, 2014

Sunni Arab states back Israel in war against Hamas | Missing Peace | | EN

Dr. Allan Richter, JD

There is an old axiom  "an enemy of my enemy is my friend."  It has been playing out in the Middle East.  Israel has become the protecting power for the Sunni Arab world.  The alliance began when it was perceived that the Obama administration was not dealing with the Iran nuclear threat and had substantially abandoned the interests of their Sunni Allies such as Saudi Arabia. Of course an alliance with Israel could not for Arab domestic political reasons be made public.

The Obama administration was unable to put together a "coalition of the willing" in the ISIS crisis. The administration is now being given credit for managing to put together a Sunni alliance of the willing overnight after its complete failure do so just a short time ago.

The administration's focus in foreign policy of hostility and indifference to Israel helped spark a world wide outbreak of Antisemitism.  Ironically it appears that Israel has filled the void building alliances with its enemies for mutual defense.  The Obama administration is being public credit for Israel's  diplomatic success.